Advertising & Marketing

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One big reason that investors like Facebook again: The company looks like it has figured out how to make money — a lot of money — on mobile. One big reason Facebook looks like it has figured out mobile: App-install ads, which developers use to encourage Facebook users to download their software onto their phones. Continue Reading →

Every Job is Going to Hurt You

Bob Marley
I’m paraphrasing a quote by Bob Marley that initially seems rather depressing: “Truth is, everyone is going to hurt you.” The career lessons I took from this observation: Stop looking for the perfect job, which doesn’t exist. Understand the pain each job, promotion and project will cause you before accepting the offer. Find a job Continue Reading →
Facebook's TV Reach
Facebook is laying down a new gauntlet in its battle with Twitter to dominate online conversation around television: more data for broadcasters. This week, Facebook says it will begin sending weekly reports to America’s four largest television networks, offering a glimpse of how much chatter their shows are generating on the social network. The reports Continue Reading →
Twitter and the NFL
Here’s another high-profile ad win for Twitter as it gears up for its IPO: A big partnership with the NFL, which will bring video highlights and other content from America’s most popular sport to the social network. The pact is one of Twitter’s Amplify deals, which let TV programmers distribute short video clips, preceded by Continue Reading →
Hulu at some point expects to introduce a subscription video plan without any advertising — and compete more aggressively with Netflix. But today, the Internet TV service doesn’t want to leave money on the table. Hulu generates $7.99 monthly per subscriber for the pay service and brings in about that much — in the “mid Continue Reading →
Apple (RED)
(RED) announced early on Thursday that its partner Apple had helped it raise more than $65 million to finance programs which include prevention, treatment, counseling, HIV testing and care services. The announcement was made by U2 singer Bono at the Clinton Global Initiative meeting. The $65 million means that Apple has raised around $15 million Continue Reading →
Video Conferencing
Global unified communications (UC) revenue for the second quarter of 2013 grew 34 percent compared to the same quarter last year, gaining market share on traditional PBX alternatives, Infonetics reports. Experts see mainstream UC adoption as just beginning, with enterprises increasingly likely to adopt unified communications solutions in coming years. For businesses and investors looking Continue Reading →
Mother Nature
Since I’ve been told not to mess with Mother Nature, even though this Wikipedia personification is very positive, it seems best for your career planning to avoid what she abhors. Unfortunately, there’s a long list of what “nature abhors,” according to Google. Nature Abhors a Vacuum Perhaps this is why voids get filled quickly. It’s obvious when Continue Reading →
Winning an Award
It’s happening. We’re taking over. The Millennial generation, which is 80+ million strong and larger than the Baby Boomers, has started to fill management roles at companies big and small. You could say our journey into the upper ranks isn’t going smoothly. In a recent workplace study, older employees believe Gen Y managers are entitled and Continue Reading →

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