Advertising & Marketing

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Facebook Wall
Facebook didn’t stop when it hit 1 billion users. And it won’t stop even if it connects everyone with web access. ”To make the world more open and connected” really means the world — every human regardless of location or income. That’s why CEO Mark Zuckerberg says he’s “retooling the company to take on a Continue Reading →
Lovers of McDonalds who feel their fast food isn’t quite fast enough could soon be able to order their burger-n-fries using a mobile app. The chain is testing a mobile payment app that allows customers to order and pay for their meal before picking it up. The app is being tested in two U.S. cities: Continue Reading →
Twitter on TV
Even though Social TV is barely three years old as a major consumer phenomenon, it is speeding toward its coming of age. The impending launch of Social TV ratings at the end of this month will not only prove if the concept can pass muster, it could also upend the TV airtime trading market as Continue Reading →
Facebook knows what you talk about, just like Twitter. But its edge is that it also knows who you are. Facebook’s newest APIs let select news outlets view search and see your public posts, plus it tallies keyword mentions and collects the demographic data of everyone mentioning certain keywords. But it’s confirmed to me that Continue Reading →
When Emily White joined Instagram from parent company Facebook in March, her first order of business was to push Chief Executive Kevin Systrom into a room. “For the first two weeks, I locked him into a conference room and I said, ‘This is all about getting the mission on paper,’ ” Ms. White recalled. Two Continue Reading →
First Day of School
  When life becomes unfamiliar, that’s when we grow the most. As I recall, few days in my life were more foreign than the first day of school. Specifically, first grade. Way back in September 1990, everything was new. My clean, white sneakers that had yet to touch the playground dirt; a Trapper Keeper stocked Continue Reading →
Cold Water
A group of teen and even preteen vendors works outside the Saratoga Race Track every summer selling water. These young entrepreneurs work hard and make decisions applicable to much larger and supposedly more sophisticated businesses. Pricing needs to be competitive, but this seldom generates sales. Almost everyone sells water for $1 per 500ml bottle. The Continue Reading →
Building an Offline Brand
Coca-Cola. Kodak. Ford. McDonald’s. Sears. You’ve heard of all these top-name companies, which 24/7 Wall Street pegs as the greatest brands in American history. And they all have one essential trait in common: All were born and began to thrive way before social media was even a concept. While the Internet can help propel your Continue Reading →
Are Facebook hashtags useful in accelerating a company’s post’s viral reach? A recent study by Facebook analytics service EdgeRank Checker states that posts with hashtags do not have as great of reach than those without. Hashtag support is relatively new for Facebook as it copied this feature from Twitter in June to help users add Continue Reading →

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