Advertising & Marketing

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Google Glass
You’re feeling a little depressed, aren’t you? How about a bit of Hershey’s chocolate to cheer you up? Your stress indicators are off the charts. Did you know Marie’s massage parlor is just a three-minutes walk from here? These are just a couple of the conversations your wearable gadget could be having with you in Continue Reading →
They’ll be spitting white rage in Cupertino tonight. Why? Because Google has been declared the most valuable brand in the world. Which means Apple is no longer. Research company Millward Brown has decided that this is true. And when a research company decides, you can’t really argue. Indeed, looking at the research results, the evidence Continue Reading →
Advertising may be coming to your thermostat and lots of other strange places, courtesy of Google. In a December letter to the Securities and Exchange Commission, which was disclosed Tuesday, the search giant said that it could be serving ads and other content on “refrigerators, car dashboards, thermostats, glasses, and watches, to name just a Continue Reading →
Way back in September, Pinterest revealed what could prove to be a major step towards monetization: Promoted Pins. They look and feel like standard pins, except they’re clearly marked as ‘Promoted’, which ultimately means a brand will pay for your eyeballs to see them. Following a seven month experiment, Pinterest has enlisted a “small group Continue Reading →
Pandora is testing a new native ad unit called ‘Promoted Stations‘ with 10 percent of the people who tune in to its Internet radio service. Currently in beta, these branded stations are auto-populated and then listed within the ‘Stations You Might Like’ section of the app. Initial partners for the new solution include Kleenex, Skechers, Continue Reading →
If TV executives had their way, then Netflix would look a whole lot more like its network-owned competitor Hulu or Amazon’s streaming service. Executives from Nickelodeon, FX, Showtime and AMC explained that they would like Netflix to follow those services in doing more to promote their networks during a panel at the Cable Show in Continue Reading →

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