Anthropic prompt engineer Alex Albert got everyone's pixels in a pickle when he tweeted that Claude 3 Opus (Anthropic's newest hopeful ChatGPT killer) demonstrated a type of "metacognition" (or self-awareness) during a "needle-in-the-haystack" evaluation. Continue Reading →
Universal Music's recent lawsuit against AI startup Anthropic underscores a pressing issue at the intersection of AI and copyright law. The suit alleges that Anthropic's AI chatbot Claude reproduces copyrighted song lyrics almost verbatim, infringing on the rights of music publishers like Concord and Universal. Continue Reading →
Anthropic's LLM, Claude, just got a substantial upgrade: its context window has been expanded from 9K tokens to an impressive 100K tokens, equating to around 75,000 words. This expansion is significant, allowing businesses to submit hundreds of pages for Claude's analysis, which enables more extended and in-depth dialogues. Continue Reading →