Paris-based startup Mistral has unveiled Mistral Large, a new open source AI model that builds on its initial offering, Mistral 7B. Designed for developers, Mistral Large distinguishes itself with exceptional reasoning skills and proficiency in code and mathematics. The model is multilingual and is fluent English, French, German, Spanish, and Italian. Continue Reading →

Copilot For Everybody!

Copilot for Microsoft 365 subscriptions are now available on a per-user basis with no minimum number of users required. This is a massive shift from the 300-user minimum that has been in place since the AI assistant launched last November. Continue Reading →
Have you been lying in bed at night, dreaming of a day when Microsoft would release Copilot for iPhone and iPad? Have you caught yourself daydreaming about how great it would be if you could have a standalone Copilot app instead of the standalone ChatGPT app? Continue Reading →

The Reboot of OpenAI

In a narrative that seems ripped from a tech support forum, OpenAI just unplugged Sam Altman, waited 10 seconds, then plugged him back in. It's the universal tech fix – and it looks like it worked. But since Sam is OpenAI's fourth CEO in as many days, let's not just assume the crazy is over. Continue Reading →


Is Sam going back to OpenAI? It's anyone's guess. (I'm not sure Sam could even answer that question right now.) Continue Reading →

Where’s Sam?

You're the detective in a high-tech game of hide-and-seek, sifting through the digital landscape to find Sam Altman. Welcome to "Where's Sam?" The rules? Who knows? They're making them up as they go along. Continue Reading →