Just about every major tech company has unveiled radical advancements in generative AI over the past few weeks. Shelly Palmer speaks with Dan Bowens and Tashanea Whitlow on Fox 5's Good Day New York about how our futures will be AI-assisted. Continue Reading →

GPT-4 is Here

GPT-4 has arrived. It is the successor to the GPT-3.x, the underlying technology for the wildly popular ChatGPT. In a word: wow! Continue Reading →

Bada Bing Bada Boom

Microsoft's search engine Bing has surpassed 100 million daily active users after the launch of its chatbot AI, according to Yusuf Mehdi, Microsoft's VP for Modern Life, Search and Devices. Continue Reading →
Calling it "your copilot for the web," Yusuf Mehdi, Microsoft's Corporate Vice President & Consumer Chief Marketing Officer, announced the incorporation of a combination of OpenAI and Microsoft AI tools into its Bing search engine and Edge browser. Continue Reading →