Dr. Smartphone
(This content was originally posted on Medical Billing and Coding.) With healthcare records going digital and doctors using iPads to manage patient care, it should come as no surprise that many prescriptions are going beyond medications these days. Major news outlets all over the world are reporting that doctors are increasingly prescribing health-focused applications to patients, helping Continue Reading →
Windows 8
Windows 8 launches on October 26. It’s been said to be Microsoft’s most important product launch to date. And Redmond is reportedly prepped to properly support the product with a massive marketing campaign. Forbes reports the campaign costs between $1.5-$1.8 billion, making it the largest product launch in the history of the industry. Microsoft has Continue Reading →
Meg Whitman
Yesterday, as President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney were preparing to debate how to fix the country’s economic mess, Hewlett-Packard CEO Meg Whitman was delivering a stunning confessional speech at HP’s analyst briefing day, describing how bad things were at HP and making promises to fix them. She projected that the company would continue Continue Reading →