AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Machine Learning

Posts about AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Machine Learning. Subscribe to my newsletter to make sure you don't miss anything.
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As AI's capabilities increasingly blur the lines between human originality and machine-generated derivatives, traditional copyright frameworks appear increasingly antiquated. The once-clear demarcations of ownership, originality, and rights are now mired in ambiguity. How might we rewrite today's copyright regulations to enable a future that respects both human ingenuity and the undeniable contributions of generative AI models? Continue Reading →
Amazon's latest update to its Alexa voice assistant introduces a generative large language model (LLM) designed to elevate smart home interactions. Amazon says the new Alexa LLM brings enhanced contextual understanding, allowing for more natural conversations and streamlined device management. Continue Reading →
Google has announced significant updates to its AI tool, Bard. The tool now offers direct integration with Google's suite of apps and services, facilitated by the introduction of Bard Extensions. This feature enables users to seamlessly access information from Gmail, Docs, Drive, and other services within a Bard conversation. Continue Reading →
Top 50 GenAI Apps
Can you rattle off the top 10 generative AI services in order of popularity? You'll probably guess that number one is ChatGPT (and you'll be right). But what's the second most popular generative AI app? Have you used it? Number three? Four? I'm going to guess that you're not as familiar with the most popular generative AI tools as you could be. Continue Reading →
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is intensifying its focus on generative AI. Central to their antitrust concerns is the practice of exclusive dealing. While such arrangements can be competitive, they raise red flags when they enable a firm to control essential market segments. Continue Reading →
Monochromatic Crowd
Does generative AI pose a threat to the rich tapestry of human expression? Are we on an inevitable path toward digital monoculturalism? This essay was written in the fall of 2016. Considering how quickly generative AI content creation tools and copilots are being woven into the fabric of our lives, now would be a very good time to start thinking about what our human-created cultures truly mean to us. Continue Reading →

Zoom’s AI Copilot is Free

Zoom has announced AI Companion, its free AI Copilot. This generative AI assistant (previously known as Zoom IQ) is designed to enhance user productivity and collaboration by aiding in chat composition, providing meeting recaps, segmenting cloud recordings into smart chapters, and even offering real-time feedback on communication patterns. Notably, Zoom is offering this feature at no additional cost to users with a paid account; update your Zoom app to start using AI Companion. Continue Reading →

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