Shelly Palmer

Move Over ChatGPT. It’s Time for AutoGPT

Illustration created by Midjourney with the prompt “friendly little robots –v 5 –ar 16:9”


Chat interfaces for GPT-4 may soon take a backseat to a new approach: autonomous agents. Emerging versions such as AutoGPT, BabyAGI, and the no-code GodMode promise a simplified user experience by focusing on achieving user goals with minimal input. Although it’s still early days, autonomous agents are poised to revolutionize how we interact with technology and each other.

AutoGPT: The New Frontier

AutoGPT, developed by Significant Gravitas and launched on March 30, 2023, streamlines the use of the GPT-4 API by autonomously working to achieve user goals without constant input. Essentially, it completes tasks on its own.

The Power of AutoGPT

AutoGPT can tackle any task ChatGPT can, but with the added benefit of semi-autonomy. This allows it to handle follow-up prompts and tasks independently, making it more suitable for certain applications, like building apps, while ChatGPT remains a better choice for conversational advice. Here are a few examples of AutoGPT’s potential applications:

Do Autonomous Agents Take Humans Out of the Equation?

When we think of AI taking away jobs, this is the interface we fear. “One day, you’ll just ask the computer to make an app and it will show up in the app store.” Yep. That’s exactly the goal of this approach to harnessing the power of AI. Is this good or bad? It’s neither. It’s progress at a speed so far exceeding our ability to understand consequences that the only way forward is to learn to use it.

How Does AutoGPT Work?

To use AutoGPT, you need an environment (VSCode + devcontainer, Docker, or Python 3.10 or later) and access to the ChatGPT API. You’ll need to set up a pay-as-you-go account on OpenAI’s site, with costs varying depending on the API version you choose. If you did not understand the preceding paragraph, simply try GodMode. It is a no-code version of an autonomous agent.

Setting Up AutoGPT

Once your API account is set up and your environment is configured, you can start using AutoGPT. Some Python knowledge is required, and for more detailed instructions, refer Significant Gravitas’s GitHub page. Another option is to try the free-to-use AgentGPT beta app, which offers a glimpse into AutoGPT’s capabilities.

Is AutoGPT Easy to Use?

AutoGPT is experimental and open source. It isn’t particularly user-friendly unless you have experience with Python. AgentGPT beta provides a simpler way to experience an autonomous agent, but it has its limitations and has not been extensively reviewed, so proceed with caution. Importantly, this technology is improving at an incredible rate of speed. It’s going to get easier to use every day.

What’s Next?

In the ever-evolving world of AI, autonomous agents represent a bold leap into uncharted territory. The future of AI interaction is unfolding before our eyes, and the potential applications are virtually unlimited. So buckle up, because the journey into the brave new world of autonomous agents is just beginning – and it’s going to be a wild ride.

If you want to learn more about how autonomous agents work and how you can increase your personal productivity, check out our free online course Generative AI for Executives.

Author’s note: This is not a sponsored post. I am the author of this article and it expresses my own opinions. I am not, nor is my company, receiving compensation for it.