Privacy and Cybersecurity

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What would it take to build your company's first synthetic employee? What AI models could you use? How much data will it require? What about compute power? Electricity? Technical resources? Security? Legal? Risk? Ethics? Is the idea simply too crazy to think about now? Should you just wait until someone invents artificial general intelligence (AGI)? Continue Reading →
Prompt Engineering
Mastering the art of prompt engineering (aka prompt crafting) is touted as the new "must learn" business skill. It is. But just because it has a fancy, technical sounding name does not mean it is complicated or hard to understand. Here's a very short primer, guaranteed to improve the output you get from ChatGPT, Copilot, Gemini, or most any generative AI platform. You are only minutes away from unlocking your prompt engineering superpowers. Let's go! Continue Reading →
Chip City
There have been quite a few pundits, futurists, and normal people weighing in on how AI might end the world. Skynet is a popular villain. Ultron if you're younger, HAL9000 if you're of a certain age. The plot is always the same: AI goes bad and attempts to destroy the world until an unlikely human hero saves us. It makes for a good story, but the real threat posed by AI isn't that obvious, nor is it anywhere near as engaging – which is why it is extremely dangerous. Continue Reading →
AI corporate governance
The excitement around AI, and its ability to impact almost every function across the enterprise, is forcing a lot of CEOs to consider revising their corporate governance structures. As you can imagine, the org charts vary dramatically ranging from centralized hierarchical oversight to decentralized distributed innovation. The emergence of the Chief AI Officer (CAIO), AI task forces, divisional ownership by business unit leaders, and SVP-level committees are all common approaches. Here's what we've been seeing. Continue Reading →

Is Your Business Ready for AI?

AI Maturity
Over the past 14 months, I’ve done dozens of leadership level-set workshops focused on how to integrate and leverage AI across the enterprise. While generative AI is getting most of the attention, it is not an isolated technology. To get the most out of AI-enabled platforms, your business must be culturally and technologically ready to put it to work. One of the most common questions I hear from senior business leaders is, “How can we measure our AI readiness?” Continue Reading →

CES 2024 Day 0

Technology is meaningless unless it changes the way we behave. So far, I’ve found some super interesting new tech that I will write about after the embargoes are lifted and CES is officially underway. Continue Reading →
Dinosaurs Roam The Internet
Seems Google has been talking about killing 3rd-party cookies since dinosaurs roamed the internet. But starting January 4, Google is going to limit cross-site tracking by restricting third-party cookie access for about 1% of Chrome users globally. Continue Reading →
man at desk
As AI's capabilities increasingly blur the lines between human originality and machine-generated derivatives, traditional copyright frameworks appear increasingly antiquated. The once-clear demarcations of ownership, originality, and rights are now mired in ambiguity. How might we rewrite today's copyright regulations to enable a future that respects both human ingenuity and the undeniable contributions of generative AI models? Continue Reading →
Monochromatic Crowd
Does generative AI pose a threat to the rich tapestry of human expression? Are we on an inevitable path toward digital monoculturalism? This essay was written in the fall of 2016. Considering how quickly generative AI content creation tools and copilots are being woven into the fabric of our lives, now would be a very good time to start thinking about what our human-created cultures truly mean to us. Continue Reading →

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