Is Meta Smarter Than Google?

Mark Zuckerberg wants to build an AI universal translator for Meta: "This is going to be especially important when people begin teleporting across virtual worlds and experiencing things with people from different backgrounds.” He's right, of course. Continue Reading →
Google has started forced enrollment in its two-factor authentication program (2FA). Google actually calls it "two-step verification" (2SV). I don't know why. 2SV requires users to input the correct password plus one other form of identification, which can be a code that appears on your smartphone, a USB stick or other physical security key, or an associated code you find in Google's Authenticator app and enter in a timely manner. Continue Reading →
With the full understanding that killing 3rd-party cookies in its very popular Chrome browser would impact practically every advertiser, Google, the world's largest seller of advertising, offered its idea of a replacement: FLoC (Federated Learning of Cohorts). To make a long story short, practically everyone but Google hates the idea. Continue Reading →