Google Shopping
Almost six months after it started trialling a same-day local delivery service in San Francisco, Google has announced that it’s now open to all users in the San Francisco and surrounding Peninsula area. In what could be described as a similar initiative to Amazon Prime or eBay Now, Google Shopping Express pulls together users’ local Continue Reading →
Back in June, screen shots of an early Windows Phone operating system build leaked (via a Lumia phone allegedly purchased on eBay). At that time, next-to-no attention was paid to an app, listed as “zCortana,” that was on the phone. But that Cortana app (with the “z” indicating it was a test build) is central Continue Reading →
Twitter Hashtag
#IHateFakeMediaFriends With one furious hashtag, Kim Kardashian blasted TV host Katie Couric for questioning why the reality star is so famous. Naturally, Kim could only respond through a bitter retort visible to millions upon millions of people. What choice did she have? Remember when the ‘pound’ sign was exclusively a tease for more information on social media? If we Continue Reading →
Firefox Phone
Yes, the ZTE Open is hauling its laggy self to America by way of the manufacturer’s eBay store. Early adopters who want to get a head start with Firefox OS, or regular buyers looking for a cheap device that can handle things like Nokia HERE maps and social networking integration, will be able to Buy Continue Reading →