Hulu, the PR-darling video portal owned by NBCU and News Corp, pulled all of its content from CBS’s newly re-launched They also removed their programming from the Boxee application (an open source social media player and content management platform). Everyone seems to think they know why this is a good idea or a bad Continue Reading →
Internet Shopping
It’s official; we’re in a recession. Which is incredibly bad news to get at the opening of the holiday shopping season. Not that anyone needed the National Bureau of Economic Research (the private organization charged with making such determinations) to tell us that times are tough. We all know it too well. No matter what Continue Reading →
                   If you are having trouble viewing our video player, check out MediaBytes on YouTube. Last night Secretary of the Treasury Hank Paulson was interviewed by Larry Kudlow. When Kudlow posed some of the big questions on every American’s mind, including “Why did you switch the strategy of the rescue plan?” Paulson sidestepped the question Continue Reading →
                   If you are having trouble viewing our video player, check out MediaBytes on YouTube. MICROSOFT (NASD: MSFT) will enlist JERRY SEINFELD for a new advertising campaign. The campaign seeks to divert attention from the popular “Mac vs. PC” commercials and universal panning of Windows Vista. Microsoft will spend $300 million on the campaign, which Continue Reading →