Google's Gemini is Mountain View's answer to GPT-4. According to The Information, Gemini was originally scheduled to debut next week at a series of events that have now been postponed until January. Continue Reading →

Humanity Has Reached 1 GE

Today marks one year since the C/G Boundary; we'll call this new era of human communication the "Generative Era" (GE). At 1 GE, no content can be guaranteed to be original. What will life be like in the year 10 GE? Continue Reading →
Does your company offer a product or just a feature? Dozens of companies have invested heavily in creating PDF readers that sit on top of OpenAI's GPT-4 or plug in to ChatGPT Plus, including AI PDF, AskYourPDF, ScholarAI, and Webpilot. Unfortunately (for them), OpenAI's recent update to ChatGPT Plus includes the ability to read PDFs. Oops! Continue Reading →

ChatGPT Can Phish

Ah, the sweet irony of AI. On one hand, it's the darling of tech innovation, automating tasks, and making our lives easier. On the other hand, it's a Pandora's box of cybersecurity nightmares. Continue Reading →
OpenAI's ChatGPT now includes a real-time web search feature, Browse with Bing, allowing the AI to pull current and cited information directly from the web. Initially available for Plus and Enterprise subscribers, a broader rollout is anticipated soon. This enhancement aligns ChatGPT with other platforms like Microsoft’s Bing Chat and Google’s Bard, which already provide live web information retrieval. Continue Reading →