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web3:// Access Protocol

An impressionist photo of ballerina leaping over the pacific ocean at sunset --ar 16:9 --v 5
The next generation of the World Wide Web (web3) is being built on blockchains using tools and technologies similar to the ones that empower cryptocurrency, NFTs, smart contracts, and the world of DeFi. While there is no agreed-upon technical definition for web3, my favorite philosophical definition is: "A decentralized platform that empowers both users and creators to share in the value they create." It's a nice idea, but how would it actually work? Continue Reading →
Artificial intelligence (AI) has become more prevalent across many jobs for years, but recent advances have many worried their position could now be on the line. Shelly Palmer joins NewsNation's "Morning in America" to encourage people to look at how they can utilize AI to be "more productive" instead of worrying about which jobs could go away. Continue Reading →
Gold Metallic Mad Scientist
Unlike existing, but newly popular, artificial intelligence (AI) systems which are designed to perform specific tasks such as image recognition, speech recognition, and natural language processing, artificial general intelligence (AGI) systems will be super-AI systems that will be able to learn anything and perform intellectual tasks at a level of expertise comparable to or exceeding that of human beings. Continue Reading →

Web3 & The Metaverse

I'm proud to announce a brand new free course, Metacademy: Web3 & The Metaverse, where you'll learn to navigate this new terrain and leverage it for your business. Continue Reading →
AI Couples Counseling
There have been several reports that the ChatGPT-enhanced Bing search engine has become "unhinged" or that it has fallen in love with a user (or two). This is understandable. After all, AI models are people too. Actually, no. That's total nonsense. That said, your anxiety is real. So, here – for your amusement and edification, I asked ChatGPT about our relationship and if we needed couples counseling. Continue Reading →
Generative AI tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney are changing the way that many people do their work. Are you at risk of losing your job? Shelly Palmer speaks with Dan Bowens on Fox 5's Good Day New York about the positions most at risk of losing their job to AI. Continue Reading →
Death of Search
After dinner last night, three generations of my family were sitting in the living room discussing the possibility of finding a movie we could all watch together. While this passionate debate about which movies won an Oscar and which were just fan favorites was heating up and heading nowhere, I asked ChatGPT to, "list some great movies that would be appropriate for kids 12-14, parents 32-46, and grandparents." In just under 30 seconds, it helped us find our movie. Amazing! Except… we didn't visit any websites to accomplish our search. As someone who writes and publishes 5,000-7,500 original words each week, the ramifications of this new workflow are profound. Continue Reading →
According to The Verge, Elon Musk on Tuesday gathered a group of engineers and advisors asking why his engagement numbers have been tanking. He fired the engineer (one of his top two) who delivered the news that only a tiny fraction of your followers ever see your tweets. The view counter he forced the company to place on every tweet proves it. According to those in the room, Elon was shocked – and really mad. Continue Reading →

Begun, the AI Wars Have.

Microsoft is going to incorporate OpenAI tools into everything they make, leaving Google no choice but to respond. Calling AI "the most profound technology we're working with today," Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google and Alphabet, introduced Bard, which seeks to combine the breadth of the world’s knowledge with the power, intelligence, and creativity of Google's large language models. Bard is Google's answer to ChatGPT. As Yoda would say, "Begun, the AI wars have." Continue Reading →
Midjourney Graffiti Computer
Yes. This is another article about ChatGPT. But it is also career advice for those of you who love ChatGPT, hate it, fear it, think it's a fad, and wish everyone would stop writing about it and those who are simply not paying attention. No matter where you fall on this spectrum, I want you to think about the following. Continue Reading →

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