The HTC One, the Taiwanese company’s flagship smartphone device, went on sale on Friday across the U.S. at retail stores including AT&T, Sprint, Best Buy, Walmart Target and more, as well as online via those retailers, HTC itself, Amazon and beyond. The phone has already been highly praised by early reviews and anyone who seems Continue Reading →
Have you ever been outside, taken a picture with your phone only to be horrified by how over-exposed the image are? We’ve all been there. For such a simple interface, most smartphone cameras actually have quite a few settings you can play around with to change how your photos will turn out. A new patent Continue Reading →
Google appears to be preparing the launch of a game center for Android with an unknown name. It looks like the new hub will sport a slew of features, including multiplayer support, in-game chat, lobbies, leaderboards, and achievements. The leaked information come to us courtesy of Android Police, which amusingly stumbled on the details by Continue Reading →
Samsung Galaxy S IV
The Galaxy S4 the Android smartphone by which all others will be judged in 2013. As Samsung announced on Wednesday morning, Judgement Day is coming this month on every major wireless carrier in the United States. The world’s top smartphone maker has confirmed that its new flagship smartphone will launch on seven different carriers in Continue Reading →
Walking and Texting
The last time you saw someone walk into a lamppost while focusing intently on a smartphone, you probably thought, “That was dumb!” If you were Juan-David Hincapié-Ramos, though, you might have thought, “There should be an app for this.” Hincapié-Ramos, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Manitoba’s human-computer interaction lab in Winnipeg, Canada, is Continue Reading →
Anyone developing malicious software for mobile devices has set his or her sights almost exclusively on Android at this point. Mobile security vendor NQ has found that Android devices infected with malware grew from 10.8 million in 2011 to 32.8 million in 2012, meaning that the total number of infected devices tripled year-over-year. NQ also Continue Reading →
Firefox Phone
Speaking at AllThingsD’s Dive Into Mobile conference on Monday, Mozilla CEO Gary Kovacs announced that the first Firefox OS smartphones will launch around June, Business Insider reported. The executive revealed that initial availability will be limited to emerging markets including Venezuela, Poland, Brazil, Portugal and Spain. The HTML5-based operating system will also be making its Continue Reading →