Creativity Apps
Summertime presents an opportunity for students to allow their full creativity to flourish. These five mobile apps dabble in everything artistic from drawing to video editing to playing music. Let your kids unleash their inner artist via these wonderfully creative apps before they go back to school. Chances are, they will have a positive impact Continue Reading →
Summer Reading Apps
Many articles and studies endorse summer reading as a beneficial and necessary experience for all students. While book options have the potential to change from year to year, it remains that readers equip themselves with tools that foster their understanding of key terms, characters, plot, themes, comprehension and critical thinking. These five apps, appropriate for Continue Reading →
The Federal Trade Commission on Thursday said it is suing Amazon over the way the retail giant lets kids use real money to buy “coins,” “acorns” and other digital goods on devices like the Kindle Fire. The lawsuit, filed in Seattle, comes after Amazon defiantly stated that it would take its chances in federal court Continue Reading →
U.S History Apps
Before Fourth of July fireworks and cookouts commence, students of all ages should have a clear understanding of why we celebrate Independence Day. These mobile apps not only chronicle the events and sacrifices that preceded the birth of our nation, but also provide in-depth looks into U.S. History! American Revolution Interactive Timeline for iPad (Free iPad) Continue Reading →
Los Angeles school district officials have allowed a group of high schools to choose from among six different laptop computers for their students — a marked contrast to last year’s decision to give every pupil an iPad. Contracts that will come under final review by the Board of Education on Tuesday would authorize the purchase Continue Reading →
iTunes U
There’s surely little Apple loves more than seeing an iPad in the classroom. Being associated with education provides its own brand halo effect. Plus, the even bigger bonus is getting to expose young impressionable minds to your technology and platforms — when they are young and impressionable. As the Jesuits were fond of saying: “Give Continue Reading →
Google Play for Education
Last November, Google launched Google Play for Education, a portal for teachers and schools to more easily buy Android apps, books and educational YouTube video, and distribute them to their students. At the time, the program was solely focused on tablets, but starting Thursday, the team also launched support for Chromebooks. With the revamped Google Continue Reading →