iTunes U

iTunes U

There’s surely little Apple loves more than seeing an iPad in the classroom. Being associated with education provides its own brand halo effect. Plus, the even bigger bonus is getting to expose young impressionable minds to your technology and platforms — when they are young and impressionable. As the Jesuits were fond of saying: “Give me the child, and I will mould the man.” So no surprise that Apple is continuing to push its educational tools with a view to expanding the utility of iPads in the classroom. On Monday, it announced updates to its iTunes U educational app that aim to make it easier for educators to create and manage course content directly on an iPad. Teachers using the app now get full course creation capabilities on iPad, with the ability to directly pull in “rich content and learning materials” from iWork, iBooks Author or any of the 75,000+ educational apps available for iPad, says Apple.

Read the full story at TechCrunch.

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