After speaking to numerous infectious disease experts over the past few days, I'm starting to wonder: is our reaction to COVID-19 the exact reaction an adversary in an information war would hope for? Said differently: is the COVID-19 story the Information Age Pearl Harbor we've been expecting? Continue Reading →
There have been calls to break up big tech. People are scared that without regulation, we are destined to live in a “surveillance state.” But people are also scared of coronavirus (COVID-19). Is this the moment that big tech proves that big data can be used for the greater good? What is big tech’s role in the fight against coronavirus? What should it be? Continue Reading →
facebook like
CNET reports that Facebook may soon start hiding likes on News Feed posts. The company already tested a similar move on Instagram in August as a way to help break users' fixation with getting likes on their pictures. This is a spectacular idea. Everything about it will be better for everyone, except... are we not so addicted to the endorphin rush caused by accumulating likes that we will see it elsewhere? Continue Reading →
Apple Health
I hit rock bottom in April 2013. My weight had ballooned to 252 lbs., and eating had become a compulsion. I hated the way I looked and the difficulty I had moving around, and I especially hated the way I felt. I had tried everything (or so I thought) and had a 100 percent failure rate. But, luckily for me, 2013 was the height of the quantified-self hype-cycle, and there was no end to the number of fitness trackers and health and wellness apps coming to market. I started a journey. Continue Reading →