Google TV
Google TV just became a thing you might actually want to use. According to a post on the Google TV blog, starting today, you can watch and listen to Google Play Movies, Music, and TV shows from your Google TV. Maybe you’re saying, “About time.” Or, more probably, “Wait, it didn’t do those things already?” Continue Reading →
Location Tracking
Are you sitting somewhere comfy? Because right at this moment, your smartphone is likely calculating and then sharing your seated location. But don’t worry: You are far from alone. Location-sharing services are on the rise. Here, the big reasons for the trend in personal placement. Facebook’s Ads: Recently Facebook began a beta-test of its first Continue Reading →
After the abismal flub that was Sony’s SmartWatch, the threshold for smartwatch success is preeeeety low. I mean, a construction-paper-and-crayon watch would be an improvement on that “gadget cold sore.” A patent filed by James Brooks Miller and Richard Carl Gossweiler III, on behalf of Google, back in October 2011 was approved today, a patent Continue Reading →
Google Chrome
Google just announced that Google Apps for Business, Education and Government customers can now call and email the company with their questions about Chrome. Google, of course, has always been somewhat notorious for its lack of customer support options, but this is slowly changing. Last November, for example, the company announced that it would start Continue Reading →