Google Maps
Poor Apple Maps. While we see very minor improvement from Apple’s year-old Maps application, Google continues to improve its world-class offering pretty rapidly. Why, Wednesday, in fact, Google launched an update to the Google Maps for iOS app, adding support for the iPad, indoor maps, and a slew of other features that were released with Continue Reading →
Uber Taxi
Uber, the San Francisco start-up that gained something of a cult following by helping people summon a luxury sedan with a smartphone app, is trying something new for people who ride with friends. It said on Monday that it would add the ability to split fares between multiple passengers with a few button taps. The Continue Reading →
eBay has announced a new iOS app called eBay Exact that lets you buy customizable 3D-printed merchandise on the go. You can download the new addition now directly from Apple’s App Store. The products in question are available from three leading 3D printing companies, according to eBay: Brooklyn-based MakerBot, France-based Sculpteo, and Toronto, Canada-based Hot Continue Reading →
The generations-old practice of quizzing students with flashcards is being transformed in real time thanks to the iPad and other touchscreen devices. The best flashcard apps offer deep and searchable catalogs across an array of subjects, and allow users to create and customize their own learning programs. Here are five flashcard apps that have all Continue Reading →
Vine, the Twitter-owned video sharing application, announced on Wednesday a significant update to its iOS mobile application, just two weeks after Instagram unveiled its video product for the first time. Among the improvements, Vine will now let users choose whether or not they want posts to be public or private (think: Instagram’s protected accounts feature). Continue Reading →