Anthropic prompt engineer Alex Albert got everyone's pixels in a pickle when he tweeted that Claude 3 Opus (Anthropic's newest hopeful ChatGPT killer) demonstrated a type of "metacognition" (or self-awareness) during a "needle-in-the-haystack" evaluation. Continue Reading →
OpenAI has accused The New York Times of employing deceptive tactics to generate evidence for a copyright lawsuit against the AI company. In a legal filing in Manhattan federal court, OpenAI alleges that The New York Times used "deceptive prompts" to make ChatGPT reproduce the newspaper's content, which OpenAI argues violates its terms of use and undermines the integrity of the legal process. Continue Reading →
Paris-based startup Mistral has unveiled Mistral Large, a new open source AI model that builds on its initial offering, Mistral 7B. Designed for developers, Mistral Large distinguishes itself with exceptional reasoning skills and proficiency in code and mathematics. The model is multilingual and is fluent English, French, German, Spanish, and Italian. Continue Reading →
Google has decided to pause the image generation of people for its AI model Gemini due to concerns over racial accuracy in the images it produced. The decision came after users and critics pointed out that the AI was generating historically inaccurate images, particularly in terms of the race of the subjects depicted. Continue Reading →