It’s Baaack!

As you know, there are only three business models: I pay, you pay, or someone else pays. While everyone says they hate commercials, ad-supported business models simply refuse to die. Why? "Free" (aka "someone else pays") is very compelling for both consumers and shareholders. So compelling, in fact, that our friends at Netflix are looking to introduce their lower-priced ad-supported tier by the end of the year. Continue Reading →

Is My Phone Spying On Me?

Have you ever been talking about a particular pair of shoes or handbag with a friend, only to suddenly see ads for that exact product pop up on Facebook and on Google? It must mean your phone is spying on you! Right? Wrong! Shelly Palmer talks with Bianca Peters and Raegan Medgie about predictive analytics and what's really happening. Continue Reading →
With the full understanding that killing 3rd-party cookies in its very popular Chrome browser would impact practically every advertiser, Google, the world's largest seller of advertising, offered its idea of a replacement: FLoC (Federated Learning of Cohorts). To make a long story short, practically everyone but Google hates the idea. Continue Reading →

No cookie, no data!

Google announced it will stop selling ads based on your personal web browsing history. If you do any digital marketing, this is world-changing news. Continue Reading →
How do you turn a small marketing budget into an awareness powerhouse? Reddit's five-second regional ad during the Super Bowl did that and more. You may not have seen it (it only ran in nine of the top 10 markets), but it was genius. Continue Reading →