The Future of Work

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Shelly Palmer Innovation Series Summit 2022
You can attend the “must attend” event during CES® 2022 whether you’re going to Las Vegas or working from home. The Shelly Palmer Innovation Series Summit will stream live on January 5, 2022 at 11 a.m. ET at Continue Reading →

Top 4 Uses for NFTs

You know how to amass a $1 million fortune investing in NFTs? Start with $5 million. If you are trying to “get rich quick,” stop reading now. There’s nothing here for you. If, on the other hand, you want to dig a little deeper into the most popular use cases for NFTs and the transitional technologies empowering web 3, read on. Continue Reading →

The Employee Crisis

stepping stones
There is a significant shortage of employees in the United States. One popular explanation suggests that the pandemic caused a massive realignment of personal values. Some are calling it the "great resignation." Another popular explanation suggests that average Americans are disincentivized to return to work due to overzealous government benefits. Which is correct? There probably isn't a single satisfying sound bite explanation, but this past week, I got schooled by my clients and my students and it made me think deeply about how we will adapt to the new normal. Continue Reading →

The Deepest Deepfake of All

The interviewer asked, "Is that image real"? There's no way to tell. "What about this video?" It's hard to say. "You can't tell if that's real or fake either." No. Not without analyzing it. "Well, what about the prose? Did a human write this sentence?" It's possible, but it would not surprise me to learn that it was machine generated. "What about the voice in the video?" It's sonically perfect. I'd say 60/40 it's a machine, but I'd need to hear a few more sentences to be sure. "So, what you're saying is that I can't trust my eyes or my ears?" Yes. That's what I'm saying. "Is this the end of truth?" Continue Reading →
CES 2022 West Hall LVCC
CES will return to Las Vegas in January 2022, and we've got big plans (in-person and online) for the show. “We’re thrilled to return to Las Vegas – home to CES for more than 40 years – and look forward to seeing many new and returning faces,” said Gary Shapiro, president and CEO, Consumer Technology Association (CTA). “The pace of innovation has accelerated over the last 18 months, and attendees will see these advancements at CES.” Continue Reading →
Crypto Coins
Crypto prices and NFTs are hogging the headlines, but they are just the most visible components of a rapidly growing decentralized financial system (DeFi) that has the potential to significantly challenge how we buy, sell, and trade just about everything. Blockchain and cryptocurrency may seem like a new thing, but they have been around for over 10 years. The problem is that the world of crypto can be very confusing with all the jargon, acronyms, and other unfamiliar words. This brief overview will introduce you to some of the basic areas through a series of links to the most prominent organizations, platforms, and toolsets. Continue Reading →

Corporate Zoomicide

Video Conference
Corporate Zoomicide is the career-limiting choice forced on WFH employees when a company really just wants everyone to be back in the office. Over the next 18 months or so, managing the ergonomic and technological changes posed by a split (on-premises/off-premises) workforce will be difficult and stressful, but adapting your corporate culture to set your hybrid workforce up for success may prove even more challenging. Continue Reading →

The Creator Class & NFTs

NFT by Emma Zinberg
From a financial perspective, the pandemic has hit the creator class hard. With the usual venues for live performances and exhibitions closed, artists, musicians, singers, actors, and creators of every description have been forced to fend for themselves. But something very new, and kind of amazing, has happened over the past year. The result may be the emergence of a first-time-ever, self-sufficient, profitable creator class. Continue Reading →
We’re in the middle of a cryptocurrency bubble and an NFT (non-fungible token) craze. For context, the price of a Bitcoin (BTC) is bubbling around $56,000. The price of an Ether (ETH) is just over $1,700. That sounds bubbly, but this column is not about financial advice. I’m going to teach you, step by step, how to build a very small cryptocurrency mining operation so you can get a deeper understanding of the process. Continue Reading →

Net Neutrality in 3 minutes

Hierarchy of Needs Revised
Net Neutrality is a nickname for a set of rules designed to govern your access to the Internet. In the next three minutes I'm going to prove to you why Net Neutrality is important and give you enough facts to argue your own case for or against it. Continue Reading →

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