The Future of Work

Posts about The Future of Work. Subscribe to my newsletter to make sure you don't miss anything.
Midjourney Graffiti Computer
Yes. This is another article about ChatGPT. But it is also career advice for those of you who love ChatGPT, hate it, fear it, think it's a fad, and wish everyone would stop writing about it and those who are simply not paying attention. No matter where you fall on this spectrum, I want you to think about the following. Continue Reading →

Is AI Going to Take My Job?

Is artificial intelligence here to help me... or take my job? Shelly Palmer speaks with Vanessa Yurkevich on CNN about whether you should be worried, where artificial intelligence is already being used in the workforce, and lessons we can learn from I, Robot. Continue Reading →
Midjourney Second Empire Home
Synthetic media, sometimes referred to as "deepfake" technology, is the use of AI and machine learning to generate realistic, digital media such as images, videos, and audio. This technology is already revolutionizing the creative process as both artists and artisans conscript AI-coworkers for production assistance. But in the coming months, we are likely to see this technology evolve into Generative Synthetic Media (GSM) which we will define (for this essay) as data-driven synthetic media (created in near real time and surfaced in place of traditional media). When fully achieved, GSM will revolutionize human communication. This is a bold claim, so it requires bold evidence. Let's review. Continue Reading →
Midjourney - boy looking towards the future
I have two slides at the end of most of my presentations. One is my investible theses for the upcoming year and the other is stuff that has my attention. As we head into 2023, I thought it might be fun to look at a deck from 2018 and see if I got any of it right five years ago. I'll let you be the judge. Continue Reading →
United Mine Workers
On a Labor Day weekend a few years ago, I had a crazy idea that labor law might be an alternative path to meaningful data privacy regulation. Now, with several organizations working on blockchain-based, SSI (Self-sovereign identity), what was a real stretch of the imagination is inching closer to practical application. Think about this… There Continue Reading →
A little more than 246 years ago, our forefathers used the best technology available to inspire colonial proto-Americans to revolt against King George. At that time, the "best" technology available was the printing press and the "best" social network required the use of "word of mouth" in Public Houses. Grog was the lubricant that facilitated this communication and the rest, as they say, is history. Continue Reading →

What is the Metaverse?

In the metaverse (meta: to describe, verse: egotistically short for universe), everyone lives their ideal lives, visits amazing places, hangs out with incredible people, and has photographic evidence to prove it. In a metaverse, every event is epic, so even mishaps are considered exceptional. How might this evolve? Continue Reading →

Welcome to Metacademy

I’m thrilled to announce our new Web 3 training facility at Together with our partners, Blockchain Foundry and Catbotica, we’ve created a free-to-use, risk-free hands-on tutorial that will teach you the correct way to set up a crypto wallet, mint your own NFTs, learn how to buy and sell them, and much, much more. Continue Reading →

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