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Apple vs. Adobe Flash
There was an interesting development in the Apple v. Adobe Flash War this week. Adobe decided to discontinue development of tools for making Flash apps for the iPhone family of devices. This may not sound like a big deal, but it is. Ninety-eight percent of desktop and laptop computers (including Macs) can run Flash video Continue Reading →
Today’s most interesting stories in technology, media and entertainment: Major League Baseball is bringing MLB.TV to Sony’s PS3. Starting later this week, PS3 users will be able to access live games, as well as thousands of hours of archival material. The deal is the first for a gaming console, and will cost $9.95 a month. Continue Reading →
Today’s most interesting stories in technology, media and entertainment: Microsoft is teaming with Facebook to roll out its new service. The folks in Redmond hope web versions of Microsoft Office will displace Google Docs as the most commonly used web apps, a goal which might be obtained through Facebook integration. Mark Zuckerberg noted that Continue Reading →

NAB: An Unlearned Lesson

National Association of Broadcasters
I’ve just returned home from the NAB, the National Association of Broadcasters annual meeting. As usual, it was at the Las Vegas Convention Center. Happily, it was very well attended and, even more happily, everyone I spoke to seemed genuinely upbeat about the future. All good! There were hundreds of thousands of square feet of Continue Reading →
Today’s most interesting stories in technology, media and entertainment: Google is making it easier for you to find interesting people to follow on Twitter. The Goog recently unveiled a new app called Follow Finder that analyzes followers and helps Twitter users find others who fit on their “social graph.” In other Google news, the company Continue Reading →
Today’s most interesting stories in technology, media and entertainment: Think your tweets are important? So does the Library of Congress. It announced that it will archive every publically posted tweet since Twitter’s inception in March 2006. Don’t worry, tweets marked private won’t be preserved … aren’t you wondering how to send a private tweet right Continue Reading →

Google's MS Office Killer

Today’s most interesting stories in technology, media and entertainment: Lookout Microsoft, Google is on the attack. The search giant announced major, much-needed updates to Google Docs, its cloud-based version of Microsoft Office. The new software has better collaborative tools and is really trying to be a direct replacement for its Microsoft counterpart. Let the office Continue Reading →

Google's New iPad Killer

Today’s most interesting stories in technology, media and entertainment: The iPad may be the new new thing, but the New York Times is reporting that Google has an iPad killer in the works. Of all the competitors working on slates and tablets, Google is probably the one to watch. Mostly because Microsoft just can’t seem Continue Reading →
Today’s most interesting stories in technology, media and entertainment: The Kaiser Family Foundation has a new study that tells us what we already know, kids between the ages of 8-18 consume massive quantities of digital media and barely any print at all. They are packing 10 hours 45 minutes in each day. That’s a two-hour Continue Reading →
I wrote this article back in September of 2009 in response to the FCC Chairman's first articulation of the Six Principles of Net Neutrality. The US Appeals Court ruling against the FCC (and in favor of Comcast) earlier this week has spurred a fair amount of discussion. The Legislature will have to figure out if the FCC has the authority to enforce the rules it is mandated by Congress to create. That is really what the lawsuit was about. However, the spirit of the Net Neutrality, which these six principles vaguely describe, is still a topic that needs serious discussion. How should we think about it? Continue Reading →

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