Mobile & Wireless

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The Deepest Deepfake of All

The interviewer asked, "Is that image real"? There's no way to tell. "What about this video?" It's hard to say. "You can't tell if that's real or fake either." No. Not without analyzing it. "Well, what about the prose? Did a human write this sentence?" It's possible, but it would not surprise me to learn that it was machine generated. "What about the voice in the video?" It's sonically perfect. I'd say 60/40 it's a machine, but I'd need to hear a few more sentences to be sure. "So, what you're saying is that I can't trust my eyes or my ears?" Yes. That's what I'm saying. "Is this the end of truth?" Continue Reading →

Stick it in your ear!

Apple is studying ways to make AirPods into a health device, including for enhancing hearing, reading body temperature and monitoring posture, according to a new report. Continue Reading →
The European Union has announced plans to force smartphone and other electronics manufacturers to fit a common USB-C charging port on their devices. The rules will apply to tablets, headphones, portable speakers, video game consoles, cameras, and more. Continue Reading →

They’re Ba-ack!

On Tuesday, August 3, 2021, New York City became the first city in the U.S. to require proof of coronavirus vaccination for indoor dining and other leisure activities. What could possibly go wrong? Continue Reading →

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