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Shelly Palmer Innovation Series Summit 2022
You can attend the “must attend” event during CES® 2022 whether you’re going to Las Vegas or working from home. The Shelly Palmer Innovation Series Summit will stream live on January 5, 2022 at 11 a.m. ET at Continue Reading →

CES 2022 Online

At its core, CES® celebrates innovation. It provides a global marketplace, a platform for education, and a town square for debate. This is true whether you attend the show in-person or online. Continue Reading →

You’re Invited

It is my pleasure to invite you to the 2022 Shelly Palmer Innovation Series Summit, streaming on YouTube Live, Jan. 5 at 11 a.m. ET. Continue Reading →

Proud Dad Moment!

As I started reading the news this morning, a TechCrunch article with very big news about my youngest son's company was at the top of my news feed. It's a "proud dad moment" I wanted to share with you. Continue Reading →
As most of you know, my MetaMask crypto wallet was hacked on Sunday morning and drained of $400 worth of ETH. In the chronicle, which you can read here, I logged how quickly dozens of bots responded to my social media pleas for help. The content (from obvious bots or hackers with good social listening tools) generally pointed me to Instagram accounts or linked me to people who could "help me" get my crypto back. This was all obvious nonsense. Continue Reading →

The Employee Crisis

stepping stones
There is a significant shortage of employees in the United States. One popular explanation suggests that the pandemic caused a massive realignment of personal values. Some are calling it the "great resignation." Another popular explanation suggests that average Americans are disincentivized to return to work due to overzealous government benefits. Which is correct? There probably isn't a single satisfying sound bite explanation, but this past week, I got schooled by my clients and my students and it made me think deeply about how we will adapt to the new normal. Continue Reading →

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