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Crypto Schmypmo

Have you been wondering why my newsletter has been so highly focused on blockchain, cryptocurrency, NFTs, smart contracts, and the world of decentralized finance? Are you thinking, "This really doesn't apply to me or my business"? Are you saying things like, "Crypto schmypmo"? Continue Reading →

They’re Ba-ack!

On Tuesday, August 3, 2021, New York City became the first city in the U.S. to require proof of coronavirus vaccination for indoor dining and other leisure activities. What could possibly go wrong? Continue Reading →

To NFT, or not to NFT?

known unknowns
"To NFT, or not to NFT, that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of FOMO, or to take arms against an OpenSea of troubles and by opposing end them." Shakespearian parody aside, the decision to enter the NFT marketplace should not be taken lightly. The usual "test, learn, modify, repeat" model does not quite apply. Here's why. Continue Reading →

Follow the Money

Walmart and Walgreens are entering the mobile-first banking business in a big way. It's a solid strategic move, as an estimated 169 million Americans regularly use mobile devices for banking. Continue Reading →
The first time I saw the word "Metaverse" was in Neal Stephenson's 1992 sci-fi novel "Snow Crash." The word has evolved over the years to describe immersive virtual worlds. These environments can be experienced on your computer on a 2D screen, but are best experienced using technology such as VR, AR, XR, MR, etc. This is where Facebook believes we/they are headed, and they are assembling a high-powered product team to get us/them there. Continue Reading →
Online betting juggernaut DraftKings is placing a bet on Tom Brady's Autograph, as the two sides are partnering to build a new NFT marketplace. As always, content is king. Along with the Brady exclusive, the company has deals with other top athletes including Tiger Woods, Wayne Gretzky, Derek Jeter, Naomi Osaka, and Tony Hawk, to name a few. Continue Reading →
Digital Ticket
Over the past few months, people have started using the term "NFT" interchangeably with the term "digital collectible." This is unfortunate, because while most of the digital collectibles in the news are NFTs, the technology can be used to create value in many additional ways. When thinking about fan development, which we will define (just for this article) as a collection of purpose-built tools designed to grow communities of interest, perhaps the most obvious use for an NFT is as a ticket to an event. Let’s review some of the benefits you might expect from combining a ticket, some unique digital assets, and a smart contract. Continue Reading →

REvil Has Gone Dark

REvil, the ransomware gang that attacked meat supplier JBS Foods this spring and a major IT software vendor this month, has mysteriously gone dark. Its websites are gone and there has been no word from their spokespeople. Continue Reading →

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