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Shelly Palmer on Fox 5
Bitcoin is trading at over $11,000. What is it? Should you consider buying? Shelly Palmer explains the cryptocurrency and talks about the risks and possible rewards with Sukanya Krishnan and Jennifer Lahmers on Fox 5. Original Airdate: December 5, 2017 Continue Reading →

ICOs: What You Need to Know

An ICO is similar to an IPO (initial public offering) in that it offers a certain amount of ownership in a company to the public. In an IPO, a share of stock represents fractional ownership of a corporation. In an ICO, a crypto coin represents a percentage of ownership in pretty much any business endeavor offered by pretty much anyone. This lack of regulation and oversight allows for quick growth, pivots, and innovation but it also comes with a brand-new risk profile – which is both exciting and terrifying! Continue Reading →

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