Shelly Palmer

Apple will remove apps that track users without opt-in permission

Apple has picked a huge fight with the advertising industry and ad-supported app developers. Starting in 2021, Apple will remove apps from its App Store that don’t comply with its App Tracking Transparency guidelines. That’s ATT in Apple-speak, and it specifies that users must give opt-in permission to be tracked.

This is on-brand and on-strategy for Apple. They’re all about privacy (or so they say), but this will be a serious hardship for ad-supported apps: no ad-targeting, no location sharing, no user info exchange. This will hit the advertising industry hard enough to knock it back to the stone age. Apple hasn’t formally set a date, but look for it in Q1. Are you going to opt in to being tracked? Take the survey below.


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Author’s note: This is not a sponsored post. I am the author of this article and it expresses my own opinions. I am not, nor is my company, receiving compensation for it.