Kickstarter is cracking down on how gadget creators look for funding on the site by enforcing new rules that address the common risks and challenges that come with their projects. The crowd-funding site posted a message to its blog on Friday that prohibits product renderings and simulations, and requires creators to showcase products in their Continue Reading →
Paleoartist Tyler Keillor has long specialized in sculpting realistic clay dinosaur heads for museums and universities, but for his next project — an exacting replica of a full Dryptosaurs built entirely as a 3-D digital object — Kiellor needed a little help from the crowd. He set up a modest Kickstarter campaign to help buy Continue Reading →
There’s nothing worse than watching your mobile device’s battery slowly slip away, and who wants to lug around a phone charger? Those built-in battery cases are typically clunky and heavy too. A new Kickstarter project aims to take frustration out of the equation for female iPhone users thanks to a series of stylish wristlet and Continue Reading →
The emergence of Kickstarter, the leader in the newish field of online crowd-funding, has been a paradigm-shifting boon for artists and other creators looking for a new way to bankroll projects that might otherwise never have happened. But as the popularity of the site, and others like Indiegogo, increases, users have been asking: What happens Continue Reading →
Will the next generation of TV get off the ground if venture capitalists, angel investors and the growing incubator/accelerator crowd continue their sideline posture over funding any venture with a TV set attached? The outlook may appear not. However, a cavalry out to save this generation’s day may show up from another direction: the direction Continue Reading →
[wpaudio url=”″ text=”Click to play … ” dl=”0″] It’s incredibly common to hear people complain about Facebook and Twitter. Just last week my Facebook feed was filled with whining from users being forced into the timeline format. But even the most common complaints are often ignored by Facebook, Twitter and other free social networks, and Continue Reading →’s goal of creating an alternative social network took a big step forward with the announcement that it had achieved the goal of raising $500,000 in a crowd-funding campaign. The project, which seeks to build an open API framework for developers, achieved its Kickstarter pledge goal with almost two days to spare before its deadline, Continue Reading →