Now that the Ouya is all funded and everything, the company has started accepting pre-orders through an actual website, rather than as a reward to Kickstarter contributors. Your hard earned $109 ($119 if you live somewhere foreign) nets you one extremely tiny console, one controller and the promise of a new tomorrow. Shipping costs are Continue Reading →
The Android-powered, Kickstarter-funded $99 console is, apparently, very small. Images released Tuesday morning put context to the pictures of the console and its controller that we’ve seen already. The console is super, super small. Like a baby GameCube. All it needs is a big goofy handle and we’re all set on that comparison. Anyway, the Continue Reading →
Julie Uhrman
Kickstarter’s records have been smashed by Ouya, a $99 Android-based video game console that promises to bring affordable games to the television. The project, which originally set out to raise $950,000, is now up to $5.7 million pledged from more than 47,000 backers with 10 left to go. Built using standard components like a Tegra Continue Reading →
Gamers want a new video game console. That’s the impression you get if you’ve been watching the explosion of activity on the Kickstarter page for OUYA, the hackable, Android-based game console that will retail for $99. To date, the OUYA has raised $5 million dollars from nearly 40,000 Kickstarter investors, with more than 32,000 plunking Continue Reading →
The Ouya, a $99 Android-powered console whose prototype has raised $4.9 million in 7 days on Kickstarter, is a mystery wrapped in a sleek silver box. Many players seem to gravitate toward the idea because of its price point, while it would appear developers, especially indies, are backing it for its open hardware. But those Continue Reading →