Jaguar Land Rover Windshield Display
I’ve had my on-track exploits overlaid with race telemetry to be viewed after the session, but Jaguar Land Rover is looking to project that info on the windshield while you make laps or cruise the highways. The Virtual Windscreen concept beams hazard, speed and navigation graphics to the driver’s view, adding both racing line and Continue Reading →
Nine new automakers have committed to supporting Apple’s CarPlay in future models of their vehicles. Abarth, Alfa Romeo, Audi, Chrysler, Dodge, Fiat, Jeep, Mazda, and Ram are joining the existing 20 companies that have already announced their plans to integrate CarPlay, Apple’s iOS-powered dashboard for vehicles. Integrating smartphones with car dashboards has emerged as a Continue Reading →
Google’s been working on self-driving cars for a while, but it just unveiled a radical new prototype for a brand new model. Built from the ground up to be a self-driving vehicle, Google’s newest car doesn’t have any of the stuff that helps people drive “normal” cars – the steering wheel, pedals and shifters are Continue Reading →
Google X Self-Driving Car
Mentioned very briefly, and with far less emphasis than the many descriptions of the tiny size of Google’s new driverless car, is that Google’s new experimental fleet of robotic cars are electric. That’s important because as one of the leaders of developing the software and artificial intelligence that will move autonomous cars through the streets, Continue Reading →