If you are having trouble viewing our video player, check out MediaBytes on YouTube. Watch Shelly’s commentary on APPLE executives paying $14 million in stock options fines and how the shareholder suit keeps the money in Cupertino. AMAZON struck a deal to electronically publish biographies of Cindy McCain and Michelle Obama for the Kindle. Continue Reading →
                   If you are having trouble viewing our video player, check out MediaBytes on YouTube. Read Shelly’s commentary “The American President vs. Dave”, a look inside the ratings of the recent Republican and Democratic National Conventions. Watch Shelly’s commentary on REALNETWORKS (NASD: RNWK) introducing DVD copying software and why Hollywood studio execs will be barking Continue Reading →
AMAZON unveiled Kindle, its new e-book reader on Monday. The device allows users to download e-books from the Amazon store wirelessly using Sprint’s EV-DO network. Over 90,000 books are available, with new releases priced at $9.99 and classics as low as $1.99. The device is already drawing some negative reviews, with several commentators questioning the Continue Reading →
GOOGLE has been quietly preparing for the upcoming wireless auction by using a license from the FCC to operate an advanced wireless test network on its corporate campus. The network is complete with transmission towers and handsets running Android software. Google is also using game-theory specialists to help orchestrate its auction strategy. Potential spectrum bidders Continue Reading →