Big Data
“The fact that private industry now works in tandem with the government to stalk and track us online may deflect but cannot dilute the moral argument. It seems little considerations like the prohibitions against “unreasonable search and seizure” enshrined in our Bill of Rights never made it onto the Behavioral Targeting agenda. — Jaffer Ali Continue Reading →

Isn’t it Time for Truth?

Startup Entrepreneur
My story isn’t sweet and harmonious like invented stories.  It tastes of folly and bewilderment, of madness and dream, like the life of all people who no longer want to lie to themselves. –Hermann Hesse Entrepreneurs are an extraordinary species. We are psychologically geared to be optimistic, and we often ignore the negative flip side Continue Reading →
After several months of testing within the industry, Nielsen is finally ready to reveal its efforts to bake mobile viewing habits into its TV ratings system. In a wider roll-out of what the company already monitors, it’ll launch an SDK for participating broadcasters in mid-November that will encompass both old-fashioned screens and those not-so-new upstarts Continue Reading →
Tomorrow will not be like today. Today you will experience the slowest rate of technological change in your lifetime. Tomorrow, it will be faster and the pace of change will continue to increase. Managing this change and learning to adapt will separate the successful from the extinct. Adapt or die. That’s what the 6th Annual Continue Reading →
Predicting the Future
“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.” — Heraclitus I have been in business a rather long time… long enough now to be called an “Oldtimer.” I started in my own business right out of college way back in 1979. I Continue Reading →

The Quantified Executive

I’m wearing a Jawbone UP bracelet, have a Withings Pulse in my pocket, a WS-50 Withings scale in the bathroom, a Withings blood pressure cuff by my bed, I walk every day with a Polar Bluetooth Heart Monitor strapped to my chest, log every morsel of food I put into my body and I’m correlating Continue Reading →
Big Data
Big data has the potential to change the way organizations, academic institutions and even consumers conduct business, make discoveries and interact in their day-to-day lives. But what exactly is Big Data and how is it used? Simply stated, Big Data is the use of serious computing power to translate massive amounts of information into usable business Continue Reading →