We deal with trade-offs all the time. “You can have it good, fast or cheap... pick any two.” The implementation constraints for this decision tree are clear-cut and obvious. If you want it good and fast, it won't be cheap. If you want it fast and cheap, it won't be good. If you want it good and cheap, it won't be fast. Continue Reading →

What Do You Do with Data?

Big Data and Data Science are overused catch phrases that can mean anything anyone wants them to mean. But the hype doesn't change the facts. We are being overwhelmed with data, here's what to do with it. Continue Reading →
Millennials empirically know that bar crawling is for recreation – not for archaic, time-wasting, low-percentage mating rituals.  If you want to meet someone, there are any number of big dating sites and apps available. Continue Reading →
In a perfect world, you just hire a bunch of data scientists, have them deploy clever algorithms, and the machine will output a clear path to higher sales, better ROI and world peace. Sadly, that’s not how it works.  Continue Reading →
Data science is all the rage.  Almost every CMO I know wants a data scientist for their very own – they are the status symbol du jour for senior executives everywhere.  But… building the right data science team for your organization is not as easy as picking the right data scientist.  Continue Reading →

The Evolution of Demography

What can we learn from the data we already have? Can traditional demography be adapted to describe the world as we observe it? Are there tools that could help us better understand consumer behavior? What does it mean to sell an actual audience as opposed to selling a proxy for it? Continue Reading →
IBM's Watson
IBM on Tuesday announced a new product called Watson Analytics, one they claim will bring sophisticated big data analysis to the average business user. Watson Analytics is a cloud application that does all of the the heavy lifting related to big data processing by retrieving the data, analyzing it, cleaning it, building sophisticated visualizations and Continue Reading →
Our 7th Annual Media Technology Summit is just a few weeks away, and the subject of data science is going to be front and center. Each and every one of us creates a wealth of data every day, but… information is not knowledge. The data must be wrangled and put in context to make it Continue Reading →