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The world got its first inkling of the quick wit that would make Apple’s Siri an icon during a packed press conference held before an auditorium of tech elite. “Who are you?” an Apple executive asked the assistant. “I am a humble personal assistant,” Siri answered to appreciative laughter. More like humbled personal assistant. That Continue Reading →
Done Not Done
To-do lists and task managers are commonplace on the App Store, and it’s sometimes hard for unique apps to stand out. But a recently launched app from Betaworks called Done Not Done surprisingly manages to do so. Don’t let the name fool you, this app doesn’t focus on the boring things you need to do, Continue Reading →
Pebble Watch
If you can raise $6 million on Kickstarter, chances are good that your idea may go somewhere. Which is exactly what happened to the maker of a Bluetooth watch that showed up at the Consumer Electronics Show last week. I wrote about the Pebble watch halfway through last year—right after the startup earned an outrageous Continue Reading →

All Change at RIM

RIM CEO Thorsten Heins
After a long period of negative headlines in the run up to the end of last year, beleaguered BlackBerry maker RIM seemed to have turned a corner, with signs that positive momentum was returning. Early previews of its BlackBerry 10 platform were largely positive, with a view that the company is set to deliver a Continue Reading →
To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle. –George Orwell If I told you that an estimated one-third of all deaths in hospitals were caused by the treatments themselves, would that shock you? The term is called “iatrogenisis,” which is derived from Greek and means “brought forth from the healer.” Continue Reading →

Mythbuster: Is VoIP Free?

Loads of people think making calls over VoIP is free because it’s over the internet and because services like Vonage charge a low monthly fee for unlimited calling. Well, is it? VoIP stands for voice over internet protocol. It uses internet broadband instead of traditional analog phone lines. By converting your voice to a digital Continue Reading →
Mark Zuckerberg
Dear Mark, You didn’t ask for any advice from me, but I’m going to offer it to you anyway—free of charge—because I think you need it right about now as the value of your great company is in free-fall.  I realize I’m not a tech guy.  And I’m not a Fortune 50 CEO either.  But Continue Reading →
Familiar icons – at least to gamers – have started appearing in the Verizon Apps store for Android smartphones. Verizon on Tuesday said it has finished labeling every single app in its portal with the Entertainment Software Ratings Board’s nomenclature, giving parents a basic framework to determine whether any given app is appropriate for their Continue Reading →
(This content was originally posted on IanSchafer.com.) Every week, there’s a new buzz around an app that is purported to be the “Instagram for Video.” It was Socialcam, Viddy, and several others in the past. Today it’s Ptch. But I can confidently say that there is no “Instagram for Video.” And for anyone over the age Continue Reading →

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