AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Machine Learning

Posts about AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Machine Learning. Subscribe to my newsletter to make sure you don't miss anything.
Google has announced Gemini, its answer to OpenAI's GPT-4, which will launch with three variants: Gemini Nano for Android devices, Gemini Pro for Google AI services (including Bard), and Gemini Ultra for data centers and enterprise applications. Each variant is tailored to specific uses, highlighting Google's commitment to diverse AI applications. Continue Reading →
Meta Platforms and IBM have launched an AI Alliance, encompassing more than 50 entities including tech giants, research institutions, and academic players like Intel, Oracle, Cornell University, and the National Science Foundation. This alliance is a departure from the closed, proprietary systems led by companies such as OpenAI. Continue Reading →
Google's Gemini is Mountain View's answer to GPT-4. According to The Information, Gemini was originally scheduled to debut next week at a series of events that have now been postponed until January. Continue Reading →
By now, I’m sure you’ve seen dozens of headlines like, “OpenAI may have discovered AI so powerful it could end humanity.” While such headlines are sensational, it's important to approach them with a balanced perspective. Humanity is as safe from AI today as it was yesterday. And, it is highly unlikely that (considering all of the other threats to human safety) AI is going to be humanity's undoing any time soon. Continue Reading →

Humanity Has Reached 1 GE

Today marks one year since the C/G Boundary; we'll call this new era of human communication the "Generative Era" (GE). At 1 GE, no content can be guaranteed to be original. What will life be like in the year 10 GE? Continue Reading →

Amazon Q: A New AI Assistant

Amazon announced a full slate of new products and services at its re:Invent 2023 conference, but the star of the show was undoubtedly the introduction of "Q," an AI-powered chatbot designed to streamline various business operations for AWS (Amazon Web Services) customers. Continue Reading →

ChatGPT Prompt Frameworks

DALL-E Frames
Prompt crafting is a vital skill for optimizing AI interactions in various professional and personal scenarios, leading to outcomes that are both accurate and aligned with user intent. The following frameworks provide structured approaches to different tasks, each with a specific focus. Continue Reading →

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