Digital Transformation

Posts about Digital Transformation. Subscribe to my newsletter to make sure you don't miss anything.
UEFA Champions League Final 2022
This past week, I had the pleasure of spending time with several bankers, financial professionals, and business leaders. While everyone agreed that it's too early to make predictions about how the world of crypto, Web3, and DeFi are going to go, there was one common thread: to a banker, crypto looks like money. I'm not sure that's a good thing. Continue Reading →
SportsInnovation 2022
This past week, DFL (Deutsche Fußball Liga) invited me to keynote at SportsInnovation 2022. With the football (soccer) pitch at Düsseldorf’s Merkur Spiel-Arena as the backdrop, rival teams played live games as various technologies were demonstrated in real time. Here’s a look at some of my favorite tech from the event. Continue Reading →
Netflix says that roughly 100 million households use a shared password. For years it encouraged the practice because the network effect (more people watching Netflix) had a positive impact on subscriber acquisition. That was then. Now, Netflix is facing headwinds. It is losing subscribers and share prices are heading in the wrong direction. So, among other things, Netflix is going to try to increase revenue by cracking down on password sharing. Will it work? And, how will it work? Let’s explore. Continue Reading →

Bored? Follow the ETH.

Bored Ape 6525
On the morning of January 23, 2022, I saw a tweet about purchasing a Bored Ape NFT for 135 ETH that I assumed was completely fake. It turned out to be fake. But the transaction was absolutely real. How do I know? The Ethereum blockchain is a public ledger. Transactions are viewable by anyone (including you and me), so let's do a little exploring and see who spent $337,500 (1 ETH = $2,500 at the time) to get their Bored Ape. Continue Reading →

What is the Metaverse?

In the metaverse (meta: to describe, verse: egotistically short for universe), everyone lives their ideal lives, visits amazing places, hangs out with incredible people, and has photographic evidence to prove it. In a metaverse, every event is epic, so even mishaps are considered exceptional. How might this evolve? Continue Reading →

Welcome to Metacademy

I’m thrilled to announce our new Web 3 training facility at Together with our partners, Blockchain Foundry and Catbotica, we’ve created a free-to-use, risk-free hands-on tutorial that will teach you the correct way to set up a crypto wallet, mint your own NFTs, learn how to buy and sell them, and much, much more. Continue Reading →
Shelly Palmer Innovation Series Summit 2022
You can attend the “must attend” event during CES® 2022 whether you’re going to Las Vegas or working from home. The Shelly Palmer Innovation Series Summit will stream live on January 5, 2022 at 11 a.m. ET at Continue Reading →
disney vs youtubetv
Alphabet (Google, YouTube, etc.) and Disney had not been able to reach a business deal, so YouTube was forced to remove all Disney programming from its YouTubeTV service. The two companies worked it out - but let’s examine some options. Continue Reading →
MetaMask Hacked
My MetaMask Chrome Extension Wallet was hacked. The ETH is gone forever. Even though I can clearly see that address of the wallet that stole it, there's nothing I can do to get it back. I'm just writing this blog post as a warning for anyone who thinks keeping more than a few hundred dollars in a "hot wallet" is a good idea. I always keep a small amount of ETH in my MetaMask wallet to buy virtual goods and NFTs and game tokens, etc. I have been aware that the wallet was vulnerable to attack, but this hack is remarkable. They must have figured out my password – which is hard to do. Here's a chronicle of the events. I'll keep it updated. Continue Reading →

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