
Posts about Techno-politics. Subscribe to my newsletter to make sure you don't miss anything.

You’re Invited

It is my pleasure to invite you to the 2022 Shelly Palmer Innovation Series Summit, streaming on YouTube Live, Jan. 5 at 11 a.m. ET. Continue Reading →
MetaMask Hacked
My MetaMask Chrome Extension Wallet was hacked. The ETH is gone forever. Even though I can clearly see that address of the wallet that stole it, there's nothing I can do to get it back. I'm just writing this blog post as a warning for anyone who thinks keeping more than a few hundred dollars in a "hot wallet" is a good idea. I always keep a small amount of ETH in my MetaMask wallet to buy virtual goods and NFTs and game tokens, etc. I have been aware that the wallet was vulnerable to attack, but this hack is remarkable. They must have figured out my password – which is hard to do. Here's a chronicle of the events. I'll keep it updated. Continue Reading →
You know how to amass a $1 million fortune investing in NFTs? Start with $5 million. If you are trying to “get rich quick,” stop reading now. There’s nothing here for you. If, on the other hand, you want to dig a little deeper into the most popular use cases for NFTs and the transitional technologies empowering web 3, read on. Continue Reading →

The Constitution Works

Federal judge Robert Pitman blocked a Texas state law that bans "censorship" on social media platforms, ruling that the law violates the social networks' First Amendment right to moderate user-submitted content. Continue Reading →

Web 3 and the Turkey Trot

Turkey Trot
At the annual Gobble Gobble Wobble 5K run, a family-friendly “Turkey Trot” event that brings the community together to get their “tailfeathers moving,” there were a bunch of retail booths selling food, local produce, homemade goods, and arts & crafts. This year, each local artisan had an easy way for you to purchase with a credit card as well as an easily accessible eCommerce site. Three years ago, this was an all-cash shopping zone. This year (if you knew where to look), customer experience, customer service, customer relationship management (CRM), and relatively sophisticated data-gathering were on full display. Which made me wonder about the impact Web 3 and decentralized finance might have on future Gobble Wobblers. Continue Reading →

The Employee Crisis

stepping stones
There is a significant shortage of employees in the United States. One popular explanation suggests that the pandemic caused a massive realignment of personal values. Some are calling it the "great resignation." Another popular explanation suggests that average Americans are disincentivized to return to work due to overzealous government benefits. Which is correct? There probably isn't a single satisfying sound bite explanation, but this past week, I got schooled by my clients and my students and it made me think deeply about how we will adapt to the new normal. Continue Reading →

Why Can’t We Vote Online?

We can use our phones to bank, shop, and even validate our vaccine status on our phones... so why can't we vote with our phones? Shelly Palmer talks with Bianca Peters and Dan Bowens about the benefits of letting people vote by phone -- and the perceived drawbacks. Continue Reading →
Addressing some of the recent "headwinds" facing Facebook, CEO Mark Zuckerberg said, "Good faith criticism helps us get better, but my view is that we are seeing a coordinated effort to selectively use leaked documents to paint a false picture of our company." Continue Reading →

The Deepest Deepfake of All

The interviewer asked, "Is that image real"? There's no way to tell. "What about this video?" It's hard to say. "You can't tell if that's real or fake either." No. Not without analyzing it. "Well, what about the prose? Did a human write this sentence?" It's possible, but it would not surprise me to learn that it was machine generated. "What about the voice in the video?" It's sonically perfect. I'd say 60/40 it's a machine, but I'd need to hear a few more sentences to be sure. "So, what you're saying is that I can't trust my eyes or my ears?" Yes. That's what I'm saying. "Is this the end of truth?" Continue Reading →

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