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Bored? Follow the ETH.

Bored Ape 6525
On the morning of January 23, 2022, I saw a tweet about purchasing a Bored Ape NFT for 135 ETH that I assumed was completely fake. It turned out to be fake. But the transaction was absolutely real. How do I know? The Ethereum blockchain is a public ledger. Transactions are viewable by anyone (including you and me), so let's do a little exploring and see who spent $337,500 (1 ETH = $2,500 at the time) to get their Bored Ape. Continue Reading →
The White House would like to get to the bottom of this whole "is cryptocurrency going to destroy the climate or not" thing. The Office of Science and Technology Policy announced it's putting together a report that assesses whether digital assets “impede or advance efforts to tackle climate change” and makes moves toward a “clean and reliable electricity grid.” Continue Reading →

What is the Metaverse?

In the metaverse (meta: to describe, verse: egotistically short for universe), everyone lives their ideal lives, visits amazing places, hangs out with incredible people, and has photographic evidence to prove it. In a metaverse, every event is epic, so even mishaps are considered exceptional. How might this evolve? Continue Reading →
President Biden signed an executive order on Wednesday calling on the government to examine the risks and benefits of cryptocurrencies including the potential for a U.S. central bank digital currency (CBDC). The measures focus on six key areas: consumer protection, financial stability, illicit activity, U.S. competitiveness, financial inclusion, and responsible innovation. Continue Reading →
The interweb is buzzing with speculation that President Biden will sign an executive order sometime this week to provide guidance to multiple federal agencies regarding possible regulatory changes for cryptocurrencies. The order has been in the works since 2021. Continue Reading →

Crypto vs. Credit Cards

Visa vs. BTC
VisaNet can process more than 65,000 tps (transactions per second). By comparison, Bitcoin (BTC) can only process ~5 tps. Therefore, Bitcoin (and other cryptocurrencies by proxy) are inherently too slow for practical use. Before you buy into this apples-to-oranges comparison, let's define the word "process." With a little more clarity, you will be better able to frame your thoughts about centralized (VisaNet) versus decentralized (Proof of Work) crypto transactions. Continue Reading →
Key Russian figures and financial institutions have been placed on a U.S. sanctions list, and key Russian banks have been removed from the SWIFT interbank system. As a result, the value of a Russian ruble has plunged, which raises the question: can crypto be used by Russia to avoid sanctions? Continue Reading →
The U.S. Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control is set to issue new rules to restrict financial transactions to enforce existing sanctions against Russia. The rules, dubbed the Russian Harmful Foreign Activities Sanctions Regulations, take aim at “deceptive or structured transactions or dealings to circumvent any United States sanctions, including through the use of digital currencies or assets or the use of physical assets.” Continue Reading →

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