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Blackberry / RIM
Research in Motion on Tuesday unveiled prototypes of the new BlackBerry 10 phone and operating system that the company hopes will be its salvation, in a form that looked quite rough around the edges. Among the features missing on the test phones given to software developers was the ability to actually make phone calls or Continue Reading →
Nook Color
Microsoft is investing at least $605 million in Barnes & Noble’s Nook digital-book business, as the software giant pushes deeper into the e-books business and props up a rival to the iPad and Amazon’s Kindle.  Read the full story at The Wall Street Journal Continue Reading →
You could think of Google Drive as Google’s answer to Dropbox or Microsoft’s SkyDrive or any one of a dozen cloud storage systems, but it’s not.  Google Drive is so integrated with Google Apps for Business, Google Docs and Google that it is destined to become the seminal point of “the” paradigm shift to business Continue Reading →
Conversations vs. Connections
MIT Professor Sherry Turkle wrote a powerful opinion piece in this past Sunday’s New York Times Sunday Review in which she draws a sharp distinction between conversations that take place face-to-face, in the real world, and connections that get made online through social networking sites. Continue Reading →
[wpaudio url=”″ text=”Click to play … ” dl=”0″] If you’re into social media, you’ve probably heard of Klout.  That’s K-lout.  According to Klout’s website, your Klout Score measures influence based on your ability to drive action. Every time you create content or engage you influence others.  So, your Klout score is supposed to measure how Continue Reading →

Sidebar: Klout vs. Clout

In creating my piece on Klout and Clout, I reached out, as I usually do, to some smart people who typically have great perspectives and distinctive takes. In this case, I asked Alex Lightman and Daniel Rasmus about influence and how we measure it. I incorporated their thoughts in the main piece, but wanted to Continue Reading →
[wpaudio url=”″ text=”Click to play … ” dl=”0″] I’ve had my Nokia Windows Phone Lumia 900 for a couple of weeks now and I have to say, I like it way more than I thought I would.  Just like many of you, my company uses Microsoft Office and the new Lumia 900 has absolutely flawless Continue Reading →
The idea of ratings for online campaigns has been talked about for years.  Some people, especially media buyers who work for brand advertisers have practically been demanding it.  But how would it work?  Panels, surveys, census?  What would be the best methodology for such measurement and who is in the best position to do the Continue Reading →

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