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Google Paid Search
Over the past couple of weeks, Google has made some unsubtle changes to its search results pages. To say that the line between paid ads and organic search results has been blurred is to understate in the extreme. Continue Reading →

AI Was the Star of CES

Sony Atom View CES 2020
A crowd gathered around some guy at CES who had stuck an antenna in a potato and said it was 5G enabled. That was a joke. If he had said that it was an AI-assisted superfood that learned from you every time you ate it, people probably would have placed orders for it. Continue Reading →
Samsung Neon
Have you ever met an “Artificial?” Samsung plans to introduce us to one on next week at CES 2020. At the moment, there is very little information about what Neon is or might be. Samsung has an uninformative twitter account @neondotlife, a teaser website and not much else. Continue Reading →
Wawa Data Breach
There have been a couple of stories this week about relatively large data breaches. Wyze Labs, Inc., reported a data leak that could affect up to 2.4 million customers, while Wawa, the Philadelphia-based gas station and convenience store chain, recently discovered and reported that malware (which went undetected for approximately nine months) had created a "large-scale data breach." Several lawsuits have been filed by customers claiming to have been impacted by the hack... but who was really hurt? Continue Reading →
Hi-Res Audio
According to the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), about 75 percent of the recorded music industry’s revenue comes from streaming. Bandwidth keeps getting cheaper and faster. Hardware and software continue to improve at an exponential pace. Surely there is pent-up demand for high resolution audio (hi-res audio). After all, doesn’t everyone want the “best sounding” audio? Continue Reading →
Star Trek Universal Translator
Fans of Star Trek (The Original Series) will fondly remember the "Universal Translator." While Gene Roddenberry's epic saga was both inspirational and aspirational for some, it set goals for others. How much wireless bandwidth would you need on the Starship Enterprise? How would a medical tricorder work? What kind of storage would you need on Memory Alpha? How did the noise-cancelling for communicators work? Every engineer I know can tell you a story about how he or she was inspired by this amazing 1960s television show. Continue Reading →

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