Data Science

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You’re Invited

It is my pleasure to invite you to the 2022 Shelly Palmer Innovation Series Summit, streaming on YouTube Live, Jan. 5 at 11 a.m. ET. Continue Reading →

Proud Dad Moment!

As I started reading the news this morning, a TechCrunch article with very big news about my youngest son's company was at the top of my news feed. It's a "proud dad moment" I wanted to share with you. Continue Reading →
Mark Richards, one of Kyle Rittenhouse’s lawyers, argued that using an iPad to zoom in on a video should not be allowed because Apple’s AI creates “what it thinks is there, not what necessarily is there.” Judge Bruce Schroeder totally bought into that possibility and ruled that the jurors were only allowed to view the video in its original size. Continue Reading →
Addressing some of the recent "headwinds" facing Facebook, CEO Mark Zuckerberg said, "Good faith criticism helps us get better, but my view is that we are seeing a coordinated effort to selectively use leaked documents to paint a false picture of our company." Continue Reading →

The Deepest Deepfake of All

The interviewer asked, "Is that image real"? There's no way to tell. "What about this video?" It's hard to say. "You can't tell if that's real or fake either." No. Not without analyzing it. "Well, what about the prose? Did a human write this sentence?" It's possible, but it would not surprise me to learn that it was machine generated. "What about the voice in the video?" It's sonically perfect. I'd say 60/40 it's a machine, but I'd need to hear a few more sentences to be sure. "So, what you're saying is that I can't trust my eyes or my ears?" Yes. That's what I'm saying. "Is this the end of truth?" Continue Reading →
Facebook AI has announced Ego4D, a project that is trying to give AI the ability to understand and interact with the world from a first-person perspective (the way that humans do). AI typically learns from photos and videos captured in third-person, but next-generation AI will need to learn from videos that show the world from the center of action. Continue Reading →
In the face of overwhelming evidence that "something must be done," my fear is that they are going to do something. It will be a political knee-jerk reaction to a problem so complex that the most informed people in the world cannot come to a consensus about a regulatory strategy, let alone a tactical regulatory roadmap. Continue Reading →

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