Shelly Palmer

No cookie, no data!


Google announced it will stop selling ads based on your personal web browsing history. If you do any digital marketing, this is world-changing news. Personalizing ads based on your data is Google’s core business. They’re going to stop doing it and, in the process, end the practice for the rest of the digital advertising industry.

This is fine for Google. They have enough other 1st-party data to deliver relevant advertising without relentlessly tracking you. But, remember, Google has promised to end support for third-party cookies in Chrome. No cookie, no data.

Again, this won’t hurt big tech at all, but for the rest of the digital ad industry (and that’s pretty much every business except Google and its big tech friends and frenemies), this just got serious. Want to see what’s next? Federated Learning of Cohorts API. Welcome to the new world.

Author’s note: This is not a sponsored post. I am the author of this article and it expresses my own opinions. I am not, nor is my company, receiving compensation for it.