
WanderYahoo has acquired Wander, a startup backed by TechStars New York that is best known for Days, a diary-like blogging app. This news, which Wander announced on its blog, comes less then a year after Days launched. The Days app “will live on as a standalone entity,” according to the announcement. That said, our sources tell us this deal was intended as a talent hire and that Yahoo has little interest in the app itself. This is unsurprising, as a majority of Yahoo’s recent acquisitions have been driven by the need for fresh engineers — not niche apps. Days, released in May 2013, was a pivot from Wander’s original goal: a location-focused blogging service. Days stood out on launch due to an interesting restriction: The app only allowed users to post an entire day’s worth of photos, once a day. Since then, however, Wander didn’t get as much traction for the app as it had hoped for.

Read the full story at VentureBeat.

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