
EmojiIt was only a matter of time: The first exhibition of Emoji Art and Design has just been announced. Forced Meme Productions sent out a call for artists working in the medium of wee characters to submit work to the show, which will run December 12 through 14 at the New York City Eyebeam Art and Technology Center. The great emoji craze is understandable–in a complicated world, it can be hard to express what you really mean without tiny cartoons of guns, beer, aliens, flying stacks of money, Santa Claus, poop, syringes, fried chicken, flags, Easter Island heads, hatching chicks, puffer fish, tongues, muscles, top hats, and pairs of praying hands. Forced Meme Productions points out that emoji are just the latest iteration of a long line of pictographic communications, from cave paintings to hieroglyphics to religious and mythological symbols encoded in traditional painting and sculpture.

Read the full story at Fast Company.

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