
If you are having trouble viewing our video player, check out MediaBytes on YouTube. General Motors ended its seven year relationship with Tiger Woods yesterday. GM, who is trying to drastically cut costs, ended the contact with the world’s most famous Golfer a year head of schedule. Analysts value Tiger’s contract with GM to be Continue Reading →
White Space
Two weeks ago, I wrote an article entitled "White Space – A Connected Future" that explored the kind of world we might live in if White Space devices found their way to market. What’s "white space?" On February 17, 2009 American television stations will stop broadcasting in the analog spectrum and broadcast only in digital. Continue Reading →
Monitor and DVR
One important vision of the future of video distribution is the concept of making content available to consumers, WIWWIWWIW, "What I want, where I want, when I want." To accomplish this distribution goal, service providers will have to store content in a central location and transcode (prepare) it for distribution to a plurality of devices. Continue Reading →