President Obama
As I listened to President-elect Obama‘s speech the other day, I was tickled that he chose this moment to promote my upcoming book, Get Digital: Reinventing yourself and your career for the 21st Century Economy (2009, Lake House Press). Actually, he wasn’t promoting my book, he was articulating some of his thoughts about how digital Continue Reading →
White Space
Two weeks ago, I wrote an article entitled "White Space – A Connected Future" that explored the kind of world we might live in if White Space devices found their way to market. What’s "white space?" On February 17, 2009 American television stations will stop broadcasting in the analog spectrum and broadcast only in digital. Continue Reading →
White Space
This past week’s election was truly historic, but for technogeeks and future thinkers there was another equally important vote on Tuesday. The FCC voted 5-0 in favor of developing the conditional unlicensed use of white-space television spectrum. What’s “white space?” On February 17, 2009 American television stations will stop broadcasting in the analog spectrum and Continue Reading →